Sunday, November 23, 2008

I should never go to the bookstore!

I saw SO MANY books I wanted to get when I walked into Barnes and Noble today! And guess how many I walked out with? NONE! It was like sensory overload or something. I would pick up a book that I wanted, then walk around some more and then, oh wait, I see another book that I want! Let me get that one! Then I would look some more...and you get the idea. I couldn't choose so I just ended up leaving empty handed. Well, not empty handed...I did end up getting my sister-in-law a couple of birthday gifts. At lease someone got something today!

One good thing that did come out of the whole thing is that I found out that there is a sequel out to a great book I read last year! I read "Heartsick" when it came out and I absolutely LOVED it! Imagine my surprise when I saw "Sweetheart" by Chelsea Cain sitting on the shelves! The book jacket sounds deliciously good so I can not wait to read this one! Just another book to add to the "books I want to read" list!

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