Thursday, November 20, 2008

Trip to the library

I ended up with 5 books from the library today. Not a bad haul! I checked out the following books...
-The Garden of Last Days by Andres Dubus III
-Man in the Dark by Paul Auster
-Where the River Ends by Charles Martin
-The Cure for Grief by Nellie Herman
-Skeletons at the Feast by Chris Bohjalian
I am familiar with 4 out of the 5 authors and each book called out to me for different reasons. It is always fun for me to browse stacks of books. Sometimes a particular cover calls out to me or an author I have heard about or have read before peaks my interest. Sometimes it is just the title of the book that draws me in even though I know nothing about the subject matter. I will read the dust jacket and then the first sentence and if those grab me enough I will keep the book. If not, it goes back on the shelf.
I must admit that I am woefully out of touch with the current popular fiction books. I have not read a book review or gave books a 2nd thought for a year now and let me tell you, walking in blindly to the library was a little scary! But also a little fun. Since I have no idea what books I wanted to read I got to wander the aisles and take my time choosing just the right books. It was good to be back again!


Andi said...

I read Man in the Dark a few months ago and really liked it. Auster is one of my favorites.

booknerd9906 said...

Hi! I am glad you liked it, I can't wait to read it. I have read a few by Auster before. He is very interesting, that is for sure!
I hope you don't mind that I found your blog and linked you on my sidebar over there! Thanks for commenting!